Now, you can start the Canopy Server
sudo /etc/init.d/canopy-server start
To check that it is working, go to
https://<ip_address>/api/info in your web
browser. You should see something like the following response:
"clock_us": 1427847182641191,
"clock_utc": "2015-04-01T00:13:02.641191Z",
"config": {
"allow-anon-devices": true,
"allow-origin": "",
"email-service": "sendgrid",
"enable-http": false,
"enable-https": true,
"forward-other-hosts": "",
"hostname": "",
"http-port": 80,
"https-cert-file": "/etc/canopy/cert.pem",
"https-port": 443,
"https-priv-key-file": "/etc/canopy/key.pem",
"js-client-path": "/home/gregp/development/canopy/canopy-js-client",
"log-file": "/var/log/canopy/server.log",
"sendgrid-username": "canopy-mailer",
"web-manager-path": "/home/gregp/development/canopy/canopy-app"
"result": "ok",
"service-name": "Canopy Cloud Service",
"version": "15.04.03"
If you see anything other than that, there was most likely a
problem. You can view the log file by typing:
cat /var/log/canopy/server.log