CloudGuide: Install CCS on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Guide: Install CCS on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

These are the instructions for installing Canopy Cloud Service from source on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine.

If you need an Ubuntu 14.04 server, you can use an Amazon EC2 instance. See: Guide: Setup EC2 Instance.

Step 1: Install Dependencies
Canopy requires Cassandra, Oracle Java 1.7, and Go-lang in order to run.

1.1  Install Cassandra:

Using the text editor of your choice, edit
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cassandra.sources.list

Add the following line:
deb stable main

Save and exit. Then run:
curl -L | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y cassandra=2.0.7

1.2  Install Oracle Java 1.7:

sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

Press ENTER when prompted. The run:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y oracle-java7-installer

When prompted, press ENTER. Then select "Yes" and press ENTER.

1.3  Install Go-lang
sudo apt-get install -y golang git make mercurial

Step 2: Install Canopy Cloud Service

Clone the repository:
git clone

Build the project:
cd canopy-cloud make

You should see this output:
make -C src/canopy go_get_deps make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ubuntu/canopy-cloud/src/canopy' mkdir -p ~/.canopy/golang GOPATH=$(cd ~/.canopy/golang; pwd):$(cd ../../; pwd) go get GOPATH=$(cd ~/.canopy/golang; pwd):$(cd ../../; pwd) go get GOPATH=$(cd ~/.canopy/golang; pwd):$(cd ../../; pwd) go get GOPATH=$(cd ~/.canopy/golang; pwd):$(cd ../../; pwd) go get GOPATH=$(cd ~/.canopy/golang; pwd):$(cd ../../; pwd) go get GOPATH=$(cd ~/.canopy/golang; pwd):$(cd ../../; pwd) go get GOPATH=$(cd ~/.canopy/golang; pwd):$(cd ../../; pwd) go get make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ubuntu/canopy-cloud/src/canopy' make -C src/canopy all make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ubuntu/canopy-cloud/src/canopy' mkdir -p ~/.canopy/golang GOPATH=$(cd ~/.canopy/golang; pwd):$(cd ../../; pwd) go build canopy-cloud-service.go canopy_cloud.go canopy_json.go mkdir -p build/ mv canopy-cloud-service build/ mkdir -p ~/.canopy/golang GOPATH=$(cd ~/.canopy/golang; pwd):$(cd ../../; pwd) go build canopy_cmd.go mkdir -p build/ mv canopy_cmd build/canodevtool make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ubuntu/canopy-cloud/src/canopy'

Install it:
sudo make install

You should see this output:
src/canopy install make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ubuntu/canopy-cloud/src/canopy' cp build/canopy-cloud-service build/canodevtool /usr/local/bin cp ../../scripts/canopy-cloud-service /etc/init.d mkdir -p /etc/canopy cp ../../scripts/ /etc/canopy ../../scripts/ id: canopy: no such user Adding group `canopy' (GID 114) ... Done. id: canopy: no such user Adding system user `canopy' (UID 108) ... Adding new user `canopy' (UID 108) with group `canopy' ... Not creating home directory `/home/canopy'. mkdir -p /var/log/canopy touch /var/log/canopy/ccs.log touch /var/log/canopy/ccs-errors.log chown canopy /var/log/canopy chgrp canopy /var/log/canopy chown canopy /var/log/canopy/ccs.log chgrp canopy /var/log/canopy/ccs.log chown canopy /var/log/canopy/ccs-errors.log chgrp canopy /var/log/canopy/ccs-errors.log make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ubuntu/canopy-cloud/src/canopy'

Start Cassandra running:
sudo cassandra
You should see a bunch of text scroll, ending with:
INFO 17:24:59,576 Completed flushing /var/lib/cassandra/data/system/local/system-local-jb-3-Data.db (114 bytes) for commitlog position ReplayPosition(segmentId=1410197098396, position=91604) INFO 17:24:59,644 CFS(Keyspace='system', ColumnFamily='local') liveRatio is 27.44988344988345 (just-counted was 3.515151515151515). calculation took 5ms for 257 cells INFO 17:24:59,644 Enqueuing flush of Memtable-local@414544706(10098/277188 serialized/live bytes, 259 ops) INFO 17:24:59,645 Writing Memtable-local@414544706(10098/277188 serialized/live bytes, 259 ops) INFO 17:24:59,677 Completed flushing /var/lib/cassandra/data/system/local/system-local-jb-4-Data.db (5275 bytes) for commitlog position ReplayPosition(segmentId=1410197098396, position=103603) INFO 17:24:59,693 Compacting [SSTableReader(path='/var/lib/cassandra/data/system/local/system-local-jb-1-Data.db'), SSTableReader(path='/var/lib/cassandra/data/system/local/system-local-jb-3-Data.db'), SSTableReader(path='/var/lib/cassandra/data/system/local/system-local-jb-4-Data.db'), SSTableReader(path='/var/lib/cassandra/data/system/local/system-local-jb-2-Data.db')] INFO 17:24:59,780 Node localhost/ state jump to normal

Press ENTER to return to the command-line.
Create the database:
canodevtool create-db

Don't worry if there are errors. You should see this output:
Error opening file /var/log/canopy/ccs.log: open /var/log/canopy/ccs.log: permission denied Falling back to STDOUT for logging WARN 2014/09/08 17:28:24 cass_datalayer.go:340: (IGNORED) line 6:19 mismatched input '(' expecting ')'

Step 3: Configure, Run and Test
One last step before running Canopy Cloud Service. We must configure it. Edit the file

Change the CCS_HOSTNAME to match the IP address or hostname of your server.

Now, you can start the Canopy Cloud Service
sudo /etc/init.d/canopy-cloud-service start
To check that it is working, go to
in your web browser. You should see the following response:
{"result" : "error", "error_type" : "not_logged_in"}

If you see anything other than that, there was most likely a problem. You can view the log file by typing:
cat /var/log/canopy/ccs.log

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